Linggo, Marso 16, 2014

Chapter 1

A.  Background of the Study
Anime is one of the most popular source of entertainment in the world. In the article “Japanese Anime Inflluence on World” an anonymous author mentions how, anime, known from its other term, Japanese Animation, is very influential to our world today, especially in the Western countries. Many anime shows are being adapted into different movies or Television series in the United States. It is also influential to other products like in video games, books, and music. 

According to the author of the article, “Japanese anime influence can be seen all over the world, especially in the western countries. It is common to come across some commercial western adaptations of Japanese anime, like in comics, books, games, apparel, music and even in snacks. As the Westerners got exposed the other facets of Japanese culture plus their animations, it was to leave a significant impact on them” ( 

Most of the population of our world today mainly gets influenced by the Western ones, so as the Western countries got fascinated by Japanese animated shows, the rest of the world followed.

The majority of anime viewers are kids and teenagers. According to the article “Why are So Many Anime Characters are Teenagers”, written by an anonymous writer , it is mainly kids and teenagers that give anime its income through the years. Most of the protagonists of anime shows are teenagers, so girls and boys who are going through adolescence can vastly relate to them. 

These protagonists also serve as inspirational role models for our young viewers to look up to when they grow up. “The majority of anime viewers are children and adolescents. Children characters provide imaginary friends and role-models for viewers to relate to and respect. While certain anime viewers appreciate story and character development and desire narratives that vary from the typical, the majority of anime viewers enjoy familiar, pleasant anime that doesn’t challenge convention or expectation too much”(

 It is pretty seldom to see adults watching anime shows; it has always been children, especially in their adolescence who watches anime in order to be inspired be imaginative.

 Most teenagers prefer anime over Western cartoons. In the article “Which Prefer Anime Over Cartoons?, written by an anonymous author, they asked a question whether teenagers prefer anime or Western cartoons. Most of the people voted for anime, mainly because of character development, the depth of the story, realistic outcomes of the plot, and anime’s focus on teenage relationships. Those who preferred anime over cartoons, said they also like cartoon shows like Spongebob or Fairly Odd Parents, but most of these cartoons only have humour, unlike the Japanese animated shows.

 “Anime, by far. While I do enjoy the silly and mock antics of cartoons, I still appreciate how anime series have more complex plots, more well-written characters, and the fact that most anime series are aimed at teenage to adult crowd, in general” ( The main reason why teenagers prefer anime more is mainly about the depth, adolescents want to experience the thrill of being immersed in a really realistic and yet fictional world that is in anime shows.

 However, in spite of the good effects anime has on its viewers, the researcher observes that anime shows may sometimes lead to negative attitudes such as escapism and addiction. Other anime shows may sometimes be too good, as some teenagers, especially the ones with the social problems may find themselves be very addicted to anime. Because of anime’s immersive stories, other kids may want to be in a fictional world, rather than in the real one, this may lead to isolation and antisocial behaviour.

 A problem that the researcher foresees is that some people might think that anime is bad for our society, specifically for kids and teenagers. Parents might discourage their kids to watch anime, because of its negative effects on them, not only addiction and isolation, but also getting into relationships at their young age. Therefore, having background knowledge in anime and the negative attitudes of children will further increase the knowledge about the connection between the two.

The purpose if this research is to determine the negative effects of watching anime, and if they can affect the mental and social aspects of kids, and to decide if whether teenagers and children should watch anime.

B.  Statement of the Problem

This study aims to answer this question:

1. What are the negative effects in watching anime?

2. Can watching anime affect the mental and social aspects of kids?

3. Should teenagers and children watch anime?

C.  Significance of the Study

Parents. This research paper would be able to help parents who have children that is about to their stage of adolescence. This would help them by making them decide if they will allow and encourage their kids in watching anime, or to ban and discourage them. This is significant to them as this research paper will discuss if anime shows could really give major mental and social effects on children.

Anime Viewers. People who watch anime will be helped if they read this study. They will consider the effects and choose whether they agree or not to the supposed answer of the statement of the problem. This research is significant to them as this paper would help them reflect on effects of anime has on them.

Non-anime Fans. Knowledge about this study should help people who haven’t anime since birth decide whether their decision to not watch anime is right or wrong. This study may not be that significant to them, but they could still use this information someday.

Future Researchers. This study could be significant to future researchers as this would help them make similar observations and statements about the said topic. There is no crucial need for the topic to be further researched on to, but their future studies might discover or uncover any information that can be related to anime watching.

D.  Scope and Delimitation
   The purpose if this research is to determine the negative effects of watching anime, and if they can affect the mental and social aspects of kids, and to decide if whether teenagers and children should watch anime.

  Due to some constraints, this study will no longer focus on other effects of anime such as homophobia, cosplay, and toonophilia. The researcher believes that addiction, and escapism as the main, and applicable effect to teenagers and children. It is also to give more emphasis and clarification on the said effects.

E.   Materials and Methods
Information and data that are relevant to the study were gathered from a variety of articles from different sites on the internet, such as,, and
 The researcher will explain how anime could affect the social and mental aspects of kids, and its impact on their lives by the methods of reading articles related to the subject, and watching Japanese animated shows. The researcher will establish a connection between Japanese animation, and how it may lead to addiction.

F.   Definition of Terms

Anime. Japanese animated productions that feature hand-drawn and computer animations. It is one of most popular source of entertainment in the world.

Addiction. Continued repetition of behaviour that may cause minor or major negative effects to one’s self.

Manga. Japanese comics that has its own and unique style compared to the Western ones. Developed back in 19th century.

Otaku. People who have obsessive interests to Japanese animations and comics.

1 komento:

  1. 1st Paragraph:

    Anime is one of the most popular source of entertainment in the world. In the article “Japanese Anime Inflluence on World” an anonymous author mentions how, anime, known from its other term, Japanese Animation, is very influential to our world today, especially in the Western countries. Many anime shows are being adapted into different movies or Television series in the United States. It is also influential to other products like in video games, books, and music.

    According to the author of the article, “Japanese anime influence can be seen all over the world, especially in the western countries. It is common to come across some commercial western adaptations of Japanese anime, like in comics, books, games, apparel, music and even in snacks. As the Westerners got exposed the other facets of Japanese culture plus their animations, it was to leave a significant impact on them” (

    Most of the population of our world today mainly gets influenced by the Western ones, so as the Western countries got fascinated by Japanese animated shows, the rest of the world followed.
